Cloud Interoperability

I am currently in Salamanca, Spain and besides how beautiful this city is, I had a talk about current status of Cloud interoperability. The presentation file is available here. Cloud Interoperability Cloud Interoperability from Amir Mohtasebi

July 11, 2012 · 1 min · Amir Mohtasebi

Linking MySQL and SQL Server using Linked Server

Googling for using Linked Server functionality in SQL server to link a MySQL database returns lots of results. However, reaching a final answer may take 5 or 6 hours of cursing. Below, I am describing my adventure hope saving you some curse: 1) Install “MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver” Connector for ODBC [here] 2) Go to ODBC Data Source Administrator (Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Sources (ODBC)) 3) Add a new System DSN:...

December 10, 2011 · 2 min · Amir Mohtasebi

My 1st Year

Today 6th December 2011, dates my first year anniversary in this company. Since I was a teen, my dream was to work in a big enterprise as a tech lead and now I have it (at that time we praised BillG not SteveJ). Working in these big companies is a little different from working for a small local company (my previous job) or working on your own start-up. I experienced:...

December 6, 2011 · 2 min · Amir Mohtasebi

The Curious Case of Yahoo!

My first experience with Internet coincided with Yahoo! web site. At that time there were two portal giants for the non-US users. Aside from AOL, that was a darling for the the US customers, we knew only Yahoo! and MSN. I remember my father and his colleagues thought Yahoo! as a door to the internet. Even if they want to go to MSN, they first typed in the browser, of course with http://www....

September 11, 2011 · 2 min · Amir Mohtasebi