This is a live document containing my recommended articles, videos, and books available I used to learn Golang over the last couple of years:
- [Book] An Introduction to Go Programming Language: Free book to start your journey as a beginner into Golang.
- [Website] Go by Example: Sample codes that teach you the fundamentals and best practices.
- [Website] Go Proverbs: Simple, Poetic, Pithy.
- [Video] Cuncurrency Patterns: Google I/O 2012 - Go Concurrency Patterns.
- [Blog] Anatomy of Channels in Go: All you need to start working with Channels.
- [Book] Cloud Native Go: A book focused on building cloud-native appliations and writting Golang applications with resilience in mind. Includes good sample codes on how to implement patterns such as circut breakers, retries, timeouts, fan-in/out.
- [Podcast] Go Time: Go Time podcast.
- [Blog] Style Guide for Packages: Blog post on how to style Go packages.